Augmented Architecture

Many industries are looking for the next big thing, something that sets them apart in a competitive market place. Augmented reality has started to get a foothold in the development of architectural space and creates new ways for collaborating, sharing and developing

Architecture is set to change immeasurably: Some call it a fad, others a paradigm shift, but one thing is certain that VR and AR are set to change the construction and architectural sector in one way or another. So some adaptation is necessary, but what can augmented reality and mixed reality do for this sector?

Well for a start there is:

Visualising in real-environments in real-time
Realising building projects off-plan with augmented reality models
Promoting new housing concepts through immersive techniques
Creating detailed city scapes, in scale with all services visible
Immersive construction projects.
Virtual walk-throughs
Predict traffic flows in built up areas
Community planning

The list it would seem is pretty open ended. We are definitely in a time of extraordinary change; worldwide,

Virtual reality

It’s very likely that most architects, have heard too much about VR and its applications over the past year and how it will influence their business. In the last 12 months particularly we have established that virtual reality is not just a trend, the competition is fierce and when executed correctly it will  provide a competitive advantage. These advantages could range from better rendering of the virtual environment to group collaboration and property visualisation, remotely or onsite.

VR can dramtically shorten the client approval processes that can ordinarily take a long time to agree and adjust.

Virtual environments clearly have an advantage over 3d renders presented on flat pieces of paper or computer screens. In VR or AR the experience is enriched beyond what we can imagine, scale, colours, environmental impact, the list builds and builds.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality provides a whole new level of collaboration from AR designers, engineers, and builders. The ability to interact with virtual models in real time means that getting buy-in from clients, designers, planners becomes a much more streamlined process. Rather than relying on physical models, changes can be made quickly and efficiently often before the eyes of those involved!

The use of Augmented reality also allows designers to visualise how building elements will look when constructed. With the use of [popover image=”” content=”Building information modeling (BIM) is a process involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places.” position=”top” contentwidth=””]BIM[/popover] integration the streamlining of a whole range of processes is already standardising the way that augmentation can be used.

Many companies in the UK and worldwide are looking to produce buildings and foster environments, which are modern and innovative, with the use of AR and VR. Embracing the technology allows creativity to flow, and weare here to help you facilitate that.

If you would like to see more of what we do and to experience the options available first hand get in touch with our team for a no obligation demo.