Creative Digital Experts

0844 358 1900

Altered Reality

Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality

Altered Reality

Make your ideas come to life and stand out from the crowd. Unlock your brand.

Augmented Reality

Another dimension for marketers

Like it or not Augmented Reality Solutions are the future for marketers across all sectors. Enhancing your real-world experiences, with digital content makes augmented reality solutions an obvious choice for ambitious advertisers looking to change how we see content. With forecasters predicting a $16bn + spend on advertising in 2017 are you in the right space?

With advertisers looking for new innovative ways for brand interaction it is no wonder that the rapid development of augmented reality has got such a diverse range of sectors talking. We are always innovating and developing augmented solutions for the last 5 years for a range of clients who have made a leap of faith into the future. Augmented reality adds ‘the missing layer’, a new dimension to our marketing solutions, think it and believe it.

Virtual Reality

360 degrees of real estate

The 360 world is all around us 🙂 Delve deeper and see how we can make your vision reality Virtual reality came of age in 2016, with a hat full of decent tech to choose from, 360 video makers and 3d artists are having a field day. We work with tech from Oculus, Vive and Google along with a plethora of cardboard devices to provide the right level of development for your next project.

Not just for gaming

Whilst gaming took a giant leap with the PlayStation VR headset, a vast array of applications were developed from the property sector, through to healthcare and training solutions. Brands are now putting VR high on the list of channels for delivering interactive and ‘living’ experiences that have increased the consumer ‘dwell’ significantly and brought a level of engagement only dreamed of before Virtual Reality. We are proficient and trained in a wide range of applications and can apply a little science and VR magic to all of our projects.

Mixed Reality

Blurring the lines of real and reality

It’s all in hand, not quite When we think of mixed reality, most people think of the Pokemon Go phenomenon. Often mistaken for AR mixed reality or hybrid reality offers a combination of augmented reality with augmented visualisation…stay with us!

So we are in the physical world and digital objects co-exist with and interact with real objects in real-time! The Microsoft Hololens provides the ultimate mixed reality experience allowing users to see and interact with digital objects within their own environment. With our own Hololens development team in-house, we can develop and deploy real-world and industry relevant solutions that will boggle the mind!


weare Virtual, breaking down the barriers to entry for these game changing mediums, call us on 0844 3581900