We improve reputations by developing sustainable integrated collateral. We belong to a new generation, a generation that was born and grew up in the digital age. It’s no good just talking about the new economy – we must create new ways of communicating within it.
Web Development
Our teams have been developing for the internet since the mid the 90’s.
At the core of our services is the know-how to give you the site you need, when you are ready.
We will always advise regarding best practice and tailor solutions that give you the ammunition you need to reach your audience.
It’s all about balance, intuitive design with the right amount of technical know-how to make your site work for you, whether you are aiming at customer acquisition or supporting material for your latest marketing initiatives, we have what it takes to give you site credibility.
We are not just another agency that proport to be multi-disciplined, we are niché focussed, providing integrated solutions that make a difference to your brand.
Insight is a wonderful thing, knowing how to use it is another thing entirely. Trust Catapult to deliver.
We create ideas to create standout in the digital arena. From creating new opportunities for start-ups to helping established businesses jossle for position, we have the creative pedigree and strategic know-how to get you noticed.
As a communications company we pride ourselves on our creative and technical abilities and strive to provide the highest quality of service whatever your requirement requirement.
Search Marketing
So they say SEO is not a dark art, how is it then that our clients wallow in page one utopia while others struggle!
Clearly you have to follow basic principles, but that does not get you noticed.
Making search pivotal to your marketing strategy could be the best decision you make. So being ‘search savvy’ is key to your business and it’s personnel understand the principles of SEO and how to execute complex strategies, simply, every day. We don’t see SEO as just another service, it’s an education.
It’s SEO Jim, but not as we know it!
Getting yourself noticed online, a daunting prospect or a certainty? We like to think the latter applies. Search marketing has become one of our core services. We’ve had Google eyes for the last decade! We have pawed over Panda and are fluent in Penquin and however sticky the web has become to conquer, we have done pretty well ! So much so we have a direct line to Google and work with them on a weekly basis. Ultimately the vast community of the internet is looking for one thing…your business, and we will help them find you!
Integrated Comms
Today’s market place is a real melting pot of online, offline, above, through and below the line.
So where do you draw the line? When, where, how?
Our experience dictates our initial thoughts, but campaigns e-volve, so being agile helps us to be flexible enough to e-dapt.
The skill of choosing the right channels to leverage the right results for our customers is a skill we have honed over decades. Our team are truly diverse with a consumate skills set that give us, and you, the edge.