don’t be afraid.
Content marketing
The popularity of content marketing strategies will continue stride onwards this year, which essentially means that more and more marketers will look to abandon the traditional digital marketing tactics in favour of creating more relevant and inspiring content. Much more attention will need to be paid to the cusotmer experience, as all of the indices become much more than just content aggregators and more about experiential marketing. Instead of relying on tested solutions, companies will create content in a more emphatic, client-oriented way.
This should mean a rise in the budgets needed for content marketing and the importance of companies that reach out to their customers in writing – B2B companies with blogs are expected to generate 67% more leads per month than those organizations that don’t have blogs. High-quality and relevant content will be key to digital marketing of the future, and linking that content across the multitude of platforms that are rising through the ranks.
It’s in da data
Marketers should already use dozens of analytics tools in order to see how customers interact with their company’s products or services. The importance of this section of marketing will continue to rise in 2015, with spending for this purpose set to soar another 60%.
Furthermore, we’ll see marketing automation technologies applied more and more often – their use is predicted to grow by 50%. In short, marketing data will become a crucial point in any marketing endeavor and its acquisition will be easier and faster. Consumers will generate a vast amount of detailed information and companies are expected to use specialized software to help them in making sense of the data at hand.